Donostia - San Sebastián
from 30 May to 1 June 2025


1. Tournament rules

International Youth Football Tournament Donosti Cup will be played in accordance with FIFA and SPANISH FOOTBALL FEDERATION rules (F.E.F.).

2. Categories


. B-35 Players born before 31-12-1990
B-45 Players born before 31-12-1980
B-50 Players born before 31-12-1975
B-55 Players born before 31-12-1970


. G-30 Players born before 31-12-1995

Special permits:

  • In the +35 category, a maximum of 2 players born between 1-1-1991 and 31-12-1995 (30-34 years old) may be called for each match.
  • In the +45 category, a maximum of 2 players born between 1-1-1981 and 31-12-1985 (40-44 years old) may be called up for each match.
  • In the +50 category, a maximum of 2 players born between 1-1-1976 and 31-12-1980 (45-49 years old) may be called for each match.
  • In the +55 category, a maximum of 2 players born between 1-1-1971 and 31-12-1975 (50-54 years old) may be called for each match.

3. Competition system

Groups of 4 teams will play one leg league. After the league the Play Offs will be played. The first 2 teams will play the Champion League and the 3rd and 4th the B League. The competition will be held under the modality of 7-a-side soccer, except in the +55 category, which will be played in 8-a-side soccer.

 Scoring System

 - Won matches: 3 points

 - Tied matches: 1 point

 - Lost matches: 0 point


Length of the match

 1 x 25 min.

4. Qualifying standards

1st phase (league)

 If two or more teams have the same number of points, the order will be decided as follows:

  • 1º- Particular Golaverage: Results of the matches played between the tied teams.
  • 2º- Overall points average. Difference of goals for and against, taking into account all the league matches (*)
  • 3rd- Fair play. Lower coefficient in disciplinary sanctions. (Point 11).
  • 4º- Higher number of goals scored in favour, taking into account all league matches.
  • 5º- Computer draw

(*) In case of a triple tie, the goals scored and received by the teams not involved will not be taken into account.

 2nd phase (Final Phase) (Play Off)

 Draws in the play-off will be decided by penalty kicks, without extra time, following the FIFA rules. The five players shooting the penalties must be chosen from the 7 ones that finished the match. These 7 players from both teams will follow the penalty kicks from the middle of the field. Staff, coaches and substitutes will stay at the bench or outside the playing ground.

5.- Number of players and substitutes

A team can register a maximum of 20 players and a maximum of 3 staff members on every match. SUBSTITUTIONS ARE ROTATIVES: a substituted player may reenter the match. All the substitutions must be made from the center of the field, requesting authorization to the referee and once the game is stopped.

6.- Accreditations

A bracelet will be given to all players so that they are accredited. To obtain accreditation, age checks are compulsory, and players must bring an original document certifying their age (identity card, passport, family record book). Players must be registered on the DONOSTI MASTERS CUP OFFICIAL PLAYER LIST, which is made available to all teams prior to the tournament, and which team delegates must present to the tournament organizers.

7.- Clothing

All shirts will be numbered and must correspond to ones in players' list. Numbers must be on the backs of the shirts. In case of similarity of t-shirts, visitor players should to change their shirt. (Visitor team is the one appearing last in the program).

8.- Football fields

All games will be played on artificial grass fields. It is strictly forbidden to use aluminium studs in the fields of artificial grass.

9.- Puntuality

Match timetables will be strictly respected. The team must be ready 10 min. before the kick-off. Any team not appearing at the field will be declared loser by 3 - 0. 


Any player sent off with a direct red card will be suspended for the one or two matches or sent off for the rest of the competition (depending on the seriousness). 

 Any team showing bad behaviour during the competition (wrong protests to referees’ decisions, arguments with other teams responsible and the organisers) could be automatically sent off.

Teams are responsible for their supporters' behaviour. All cases of severe expulsions will be reported to the football federation in question by sending the names of the implicated players.

Delegates are responsible of their player’s behaviour and attitude to/with referees, team partners, opponents, spectators, organization and the facilities where matches will be played (changing rooms, benches, paying grounds…)

The organization will check the changing rooms with both team delegates before and after each match. The delegate will have to sign in case of any damages to make sure that the person (the player, delegate, team or persona) who made the damages remains as the responsible of them.

 All the serious sending off cases will be studied by the Tournament to forbid their participation in next editions. This rule may affect to single players or whole teams.

11.- Competition committee

The competition committee meets every day. They talk and discuss about all important questions happened during the day. The decisions cannot be appealed. All participants must accept their decisions. They will verified the bracelet before the matches

12.- Playing program

The organizing committee hast the right to change the groups, times and fields. Notice about this will be given to all team delegates. Also they will published the modification in Internet.

13.- Insurance

The injuries that may occur practising Football are not the responsibility of the organisation